Thursday, June 23, 2011


Untitled, originally uploaded by ~intoxicating flutter~.
This image was produced in one take straight upload no edit no Photoshop etc (which to be honest, is the same of most of my work, mmm selfies they require many takes sometimes gaaaaaar)
I have made this point not a brag, but in fact to highlight how little I like to edit and how little patience I have...I am all about getting it done!!! Through the camera lense/viewfinder is where all the editing takes place for my images before they even hit the PC and this saves me heaps of time wasted on editing later. It also is working that muscle that teaches us the laws of good technique. Onto the next....never enough time! I Snap! Next!? 

Beauty is everywhere and in everything and everyone.....I see it and I share it with you. Instinct and natural flow marry well for me, I am glad you all agree in this image!

Thank you for your kind wishes and support me flutter and grow.........always......Miss.F

Wonderful model: Jeanette
Styling and image: Miss Flutter
On Location: Melbourne

Off Tap

Untitled, originally uploaded by ~intoxicating flutter~.